The point of sale, or POS, is the moment your
customer completes their purchase of a product. In a bricks-and-mortar
store, this would be at the till. Online, it’s would be the point where
the customer clicks on the ‘confirm order’ button.
Consumers are switching to online purchases for almost every
essential and non-essential purchases in their lives; they can do the
grocery shopping from the comfort of their own homes, order that
complete DVD box set they’ve been after for months, or even finish all
their Christmas shopping on time and in one sitting.
How can POS management systems assist your business?
When you outsource your order fulfilment to a company with a specialised POS management system, you’ll quickly realise how essential it is to your business.The most immediate benefits of integrating a POS management system to your own online store is the ease with which customer orders can be picked up and processed, with a receipt confirming the purchase automatically sent back to the customer.
Then from the POS system, your customer’s order can be picked, packed and ready for delivery.
POS management software available in fulfilment houses today doesn’t just streamline order fulfilment; it can also be used to effectively process returns, which can be credited back to your account and made available for reordering.
It can also organise your inventory at the click of a button, and it’s all stored safely ready for you to look at when you need to. Stock levels can be managed more easily and can even alert you to low levels of stock, meaning you can replenish popular items and not miss out on potential sales.
Similarly, sales and promotional discounts can be monitored and tracked on a large scale. Trends in sales can be analyzed even when you’re not on the premises.
It can also be an effective tool in marketing. Data from customer credit cards can provide you with invaluable details when advertising your brand or sending out incentives.
Overall, a professional fulfilment house that provides POS management software will make your life (and your overall sales) much smoother, with streamlined inventory management and a quick point of sale your customers will really appreciate.