What is it that first attracts new clients to a fulfilment house? A recommendation via word of mouth from another business owner? A snazzy website loaded with pictures, testimonials and blogs? Or perhaps a bit of both? Although recommendations and a professional appearance are important, a new client will sift through the available fulfilment houses and ultimately choose the one that provides the order fulfilment services they need.
So it’s worth asking yourself: just what order fulfilment services can you offer potential clients?
A lot of small fulfilment houses offer the standard pick and pack alongside a few other services that clients can take advantage of. Yet if you have the means to take on extra order fulfilment duties, then it can really help your company stand out from the crowd.What you should avoid, however, is trying to create a ‘complete’ package that just isn’t. Outsourcing seemingly smaller jobs like taking telephone orders or handling complaints and queries may at first seem like a good idea – lowering costs for all parties involved and freeing up your employees’ time – it can and probably will backfire, angering your client’s customers, your client, and seriously damaging your reputation.
Instead offer services that are designed to meet both your client’s needs and your capabilities: i.e. don’t try to take on too much too soon. Being flexible and listening to a client can often tip the scales in your favour, particularly when dealing with a start up business, or companies who may have previously done all their fulfilment services in-house.
Small order fulfilment changes can often go a long way.
Could you introduce a call centre designed specifically to handle complaints? Or offer a simplified returns policy that will help customers and keep them happy? How about investing in the latest data analysis and reporting software, which allows client’s to remotely check their stock levels or even get alerts before problems arise?If you can offer your client the whole package – an entire order fulfilment service, like Fairway Fulfilment & Logistics, that starts with receiving their goods and ends with a satisfied customer – then you are far more likely to build lasting business relationships as well a sterling reputation.