Providing efficient distribution can often be the deciding factor
between customers that return and those that don’t. Getting fulfilment
right every time is a must for online selling. Follow our golden rules
to online trading and you’ll be making sure those customers buy from you
again and again.
Distribution revolution
Some customers are content with receiving their items a week after they
buy; some want them the very next day. Providing a number of delivery
options (and the prices to match) means that you’re catering to even
more of your customers’ needs.
Checking in
When an order arrives from your supplier, it’s easy to make mistakes
with checking the products in. For a professional fulfilment service,
though, that’s no concern. With an experienced team, numbered stock
locations and a reliable stock management system, checking-in mistakes
can be a thing of the past.
Lay waste to wastage
One major headache for retailers is losing stock through theft and
loss. Keeping your goods in a secure location is one of the most
important safeguards to make. Pick and pack firms offer such security as
part of their service – your items, stored in a secure fulfilment warehouse, remain there until a customer orders them.
Keep in touch with your customers…
Bring your customers into the fold with regular email communications.
Keeping them up-to-date with new products, promotions and news will
keep their interest, and provide valuable marketing data to find out
who’s actually buying your stock.
… but don’t forget to say ‘thank you’
Reward your customers’ loyalty with a promotional code every now and
then. If your customers are signed-up to regular communications, think
about giving them a one-off discount as a reward and your business a
quick boost in sales.
Worldwide shipping
With the internet available on just about every corner of the planet,
you don’t want to miss out on potential customers who want to purchase
your products but can’t due to restrictive distribution. Get those goods
available to them through offering international shipping.
Discounting down the days
Retailers know the time of the year their customers expect to find a
cut-price sale. Give your customers a nice surprise with a short-term
‘flash’ sale – it’ll clear that leftover stock, increase brand loyalty
and set your sales on the increase.
Get the logistics of your stock right
To keep customers happy, the products they need have to be available
when they need them, meaning your supplier needs to be on the ball. So,
keeping supply chain management as efficient as possible is top of the
agenda. Getting your stock delivered straight to a fulfilment centre for
storage and distribution saves time, and your customers get the
products they need as fast as possible.
Trust is difficult to build, but easy to lose
Just like your customers trust you to deliver the products they need,
you can trust a professional pick and pack service to get your products
to those customers when they need them. Getting that bit right is
something that Fairway Fulfilment & Logistics can assist with.